My research focuses on data-driven decision making, dynamic optimization, and their applications to market design.
"Adaptive Approximation Schemes for Matching Queues" with Ali Aouad and Amin Saberi, submitted
The conference version has been accepted to STOC'25.
"Improved Approximations for Stationary Bipartite Matching: Beyond Probabilistic Independence" with Ali Aouad, Tristan Pollner, and Amin Saberi, submitted
"Spatial Matching under Multihoming" with Ali Aouad and Daniel Freund, Operations Research (major revision)
"Governance of Social Welfare in Networked Markets" with Mohammadamin Fazli, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
"On the maximum order of induced paths and induced forests in regular graphs" with Saeeid Akbari, Sepehr Mousavi, Hessam Nikpey, Soheil Sheybani