Alireza AmaniHamedani

PhD Candidate, Management Science & Operations Research, London Business School

My research focuses on data-driven decision making, dynamic optimization, and their applications to market design.

"Adaptive Approximation Schemes for Matching Queues" with Ali Aouad and Amin Saberi, submitted [arXiv]
The conference version has been accepted to STOC'25.
"Improved Approximations for Stationary Bipartite Matching: Beyond Probabilistic Independence" with Ali Aouad, Tristan Pollner, and Amin Saberi, submitted [arXiv]
"Spatial Matching under Multihoming" with Ali Aouad and Daniel Freund, Operations Research (major revision) [SSRN][poster]
"Governance of Social Welfare in Networked Markets" with Mohammadamin Fazli, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems [published]
"On the maximum order of induced paths and induced forests in regular graphs" with Saeeid Akbari, Sepehr Mousavi, Hessam Nikpey, Soheil Sheybani [arXiv]